Katanga Youth Investment Initiative on livelihood, case of Gertrude Kluvitse (now 25), Katanga, Lomé, Togo

Katanga Youth Investment Initiative on livelihood, case of Gertrude Kluvitse (now 25), Katanga, Lomé, Togo

gertrude-(UCJG)YMCA TogoI was lucky enough to be among the youth that were selected to benefit from the support fund to start up my business (Income Generating Activity – IGA). I participated in the training on establishing and managing a micro enterprise. This training, which lasted around two weeks, allowed me to learn a lot about the setting up and managing of an IGA.


Long before attending this training, I was quite ignorant, because I didn’t do any reflection or research on the IGA I was carrying out. Now I know that in order to start a business, you have to have an idea, think it through, analyse advantages and disadvantages of the activity you have chosen before engaging in it. I also know that once I have got my idea of business, I need to prepare a business plan that will be my guide throughout the realisation of my activity. Already, the training has opened up my eyes about attitudes that I should and should not adopt if I want to become a successful entrepreneur. For this, I would like to thank the trainers, who gave their best during this time to make us understand the course despite our limited knowledge and difficulties in understanding. They knew how to teach us what was necessary for us to know and I am very grateful to them for that.

At the same time, I would like to thank the YMCA the partners, and first and foremost the donor Iqbal, who had the goodwill to come to our aid, with all my heart. Many youth in this environment [the community of Katanga] are still experiencing difficulties, and it is my strongest wish that the YMCA through its partners will provide further support to those youth as well.


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