ICS volunteers programme start-up workshop

ICS- YCI and YMCA volunteers program start-up workshop launched this morning in Thies (Senegal)  Thies, (Senegal) April 10th, 2014 -  A start-up workshop is launched on the International Citizen Service (ICS)  volunteers programme this morning. Ten participants representing Senegal YMCA (7), Togo YMCA  (2) and  Y Care International (1) took part in the meeting which will end on Saturday. This workshop is the opportunity for participants to discover / better understand the program as well as its objectives, expected results, requirements, values and principles.

2014 Togo YMCA GOP meeting

Bagbé April 07 2014, the Togo YMCA and its international partners launched the 8th Global Operation Plan (GOP) review meeting. Started in 2007, the process helps to strengthen national movements…

Togo YMCA works to eradicate torture

Lomé, Wednesday 24 April 2013, four civil society organisations organised a press conference on the monitoring of the recommendations of the UN committee against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (CAT) during its 49th session in November 2012. The four organisations are Collectif des Associations Contre l’Impunité au Togo (CACIT), Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture (ACAT-Togo), Amnesty International-Togo and YMCA Togo.