The Role of Volunteers, Board and Staff in YMCA Sustainability

I was very motivated and inspired today during the OGM discussions on the role of volunteers, board and staff on the sustainability of the YMCA movement. At the start of our discussions, the session facilitators clearly explained the roles of each:

Staff within the YMCA movement fulfils the role of projecting the achievements towards the mission and vision of the movement through effective communication between members, volunteers and the board.

If you believe and I believe

If you believe and I believe, then Africa will be saved! These stirring words, had all delegates on their feet, holding hands and singing from their hearts at the close of a colourful and emotional opening ceremony of the 10th Ordinary General Meeting of the Africa Alliance of YMCAs (AAYMCA).

Held in Dakar, Senegal, on 2 June 2015, the ceremony was attended by 150 delegates from 18 different African countries, and partners from 8 different international YMCAs or YMCA-associated organisations.

Garissa terrorist attack : We say; Give Peace a Chance (#147notjustanumber)

Five days after the terror attack on a university in Garissa, Kenya, the African Alliance of YMCAs, like the rest of the world, is still in shock and mourning. Over 140 youth dead and another 79 wounded. The timing of the attack itself is chilling; coming at a time when Christians the world over were commemorating Christ’s sacrifice and rebirth. It goes without saying that hundreds of youth from the Garissa University were preparing to join family and friends in commemorating this important day in the Christian Calendar.

The 10th Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of the African YMCA movement


It is now full steam ahead to Dakar 2015, where we hold our 10th Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) for the African YMCA movement. This is a highlight on our calendar and happens every four years. It was of necessity postponed in 2014 due to the Ebola epidemic preventing our colleagues from Liberia and Sierra Leone from joining us.

Katanga Youth Investment Initiative on livelihood, case of Gertrude Kluvitse (now 25), Katanga, Lomé, Togo

I was lucky enough to be among the youth that were selected to benefit from the support fund to start up my business (Income Generating Activity – IGA). I participated in the training on establishing and managing a micro enterprise. This training, which lasted around two weeks, allowed me to learn a lot about the setting up and managing of an IGA.