Enabling young entrepreneurs in Lomé

Y Care International CEO, Adam Leach, reports from Togo where he met young people at risk or in conflict with the law, who have started their own businesses with YMCA support.

‘Inspired’ is a word that is often used loosely but that’s exactly what has happened for me at Y Care International since my journey began. This took on special significance when I visited Togo recently to see work of the YMCA with young entrepreneurs, prisoners and adolescents in detention, and vulnerable communities in the slums of Lomé.

Togo YMCA works to eradicate torture

Lomé, Wednesday 24 April 2013, four civil society organisations organised a press conference on the monitoring of the recommendations of the UN committee against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (CAT) during its 49th session in November 2012. The four organisations are Collectif des Associations Contre l’Impunité au Togo (CACIT), Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture (ACAT-Togo), Amnesty International-Togo and YMCA Togo.

Togo-ymca addresses sexually transmitted infections and hiv through churches and mosques

On 14 November 2012, the Togo YMCA officially launched a new project to address Sexually Transmitted Infections in partnership with 20 different churches and 2 mosques.

For the occasion, the ministry of health was represented by Mr Kademba and UNFPA was represented by Mrs Afeli. Through this project, which has the technical and financial assistance of UNFPA, the Togo YMCA intends to provide advice and support in matters of sexual and reproductive health to almost 4500 youth and young married couples within the churches.

Africa: Governments Failing in Corruption Fight

Source: All Africa

Cape Town — Most Africans say their governments are failing in the fight against corruption, and many believe the situation has deteriorated in the last decade, according to the continent's most comprehensive survey of public opinion.

The survey also says nearly one in three Africans say they have paid a bribe in the past year, and almost one in five have paid it to a government official to get an official document or permit. The survey shows that corruption hits those living in poverty the hardest, and police forces are the government institutions most often accused of taking bribes.

A2L Togo YMCA workshop shapes advocacy direction

For the Act2Live project activities a training workshop was organised for the youth advocates group. The young people were drawn from the project sites (Akodessewa, Katanga, Akassimé and Gbossimé) and from YMCA Volunteers. It was held at ENAM Lomé-Togo from 4 to 8 November.

The objective of this workshop was to strengthen the capacities of the youth advocates so that they can easily engage in discussions with decisions makers so that health issues affecting young people in Togo can be improve.