The 10th Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of the African YMCA movement

The 10th Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of the African YMCA movement


It is now full steam ahead to Dakar 2015, where we hold our 10th Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) for the African YMCA movement. This is a highlight on our calendar and happens every four years. It was of necessity postponed in 2014 due to the Ebola epidemic preventing our colleagues from Liberia and Sierra Leone from joining us.


The OGM is on the one hand, a constitutional requirement and is central to good governance. At the same time, it presents African YMCAs with an opportunity to hold ourselves accountable in our march towards our shared vision, reflect on the achievements and opportunities, and draw strength for the journey ahead. The theme centres on our vision: Empowering Young People for the African Renaissance.

We will be holding a series of events attached to the OGM during this period:

• Youth Advocacy Summit
• National General Secretaries’ Seminar
• Executive Committee Meeting
• Sustainability Summit

We ask that for those attending, you please register by end of March. This enables us to deal with the logistical requirements.

We look forward to an active and engaged participation from our members.

We have dedicated a section on the AAYMCA website to the OGM. Here you will find the registration, information about the events, programmes, information about Senegal and the Senegal YMCA and speaker details. We also have a media section where updated information will be regularly available. Please do visit this: or click on the OGM image below.


Gil Harper

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